Now showing items 19-21 of 123

    • Computational simulation of unsteady flow in transonic compressor rotor 

      Owen, Philip Ray (Cambridge, Mass. : Gas Turbine Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, [1986], 1986)
      The unsteady flow about a section of a modern first stage transonic compressor rotor was simulated using a finite difference approximation to the two-dimensional, Reynolds averaged, unsteady, compressible, viscous Navier-Stokes ...
    • Aerodynamics of aircraft engines : stride and stumbles 

      Cumpsty, N. A. (Cambridge, Mass. : Gas Turbine Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1992, 1992)
      Summary: Attempts to understand and predict the aerodynamic behaviour of compressors and turbines in aircraft gas turbines have been encouraged by the intense competitive pressure which exists. Many of the apparently most ...
    • A numerical analysis of 3-D inviscid stator/rotor interactions using non-reflecting boundary conditions 

      Saxer, André P. (André Pierre) (Cambridge, Mass. : Gas Turbine Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, [1992], 1992)
      This dissertation presents a method for the computation of three-dimensional inviscid, transonic steady and unsteady flows, primarily in axial flow turbines. The work is divided into two major contributions. The first is ...