Now showing items 25-27 of 123

    • Newton solution of steady two-dimensional transonic flow 

      Giles, M. (Michael) (Cambridge, Mass. : Gas Turbine Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, [1985], 1985)
      A new method is developed for the solution of the steady, two-dimensional Euler equations for transonic flows. The discrete steady-state equations are derived in conservative finite-volume form on an intrinsic streamline ...
    • Condensation of supersaturated organic vapors in a supersonic nozzle 

      Dawson, Daniel Bogert (Cambridge, Mass. : Gas Turbine Laboratory , Massachusetts Institute of Technology, [1967], 1967)
      Experiments were performed involving condensation of supersaturated benzene and chloroform vapors in a supersonic nozzle, with compressed air as the carrier gas. Experiments showed that the magnitude of the water vapor ...
    • Blade scale effects of tip leakage 

      Martinez-Sanchez, Manuel; Gauthier, R. P. (Cambridge, Mass. : Gas Turbine Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, [1990], 1990)
      The effects of blade-tip leakage in a turbine are investigated by modeling the stage as an incomplete actuator disk. It is found that the spanwise flow redistribution due to the gap is such as to produce a uniform unloading ...