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dc.contributor.authorPriyantha, Nissanka B.en_US
dc.contributor.authorBalakrishnan, Harien_US
dc.contributor.authorDemaine, Eriken_US
dc.contributor.authorTeller, Sethen_US
dc.description.abstractMany sensor network applications require that each node's sensor stream be annotated with its physical location in some common coordinate system. Manual measurement and configuration methods for obtaining location don't scale and are error-prone, and equipping sensors with GPS is often expensive and does not work in indoor and urban deployments. Sensor networks can therefore benefit from a self-configuring method where nodes cooperate with each other, estimate local distances to their neighbors, and converge to a consistent coordinate assignment. This paper describes a fully decentralized algorithm called AFL (Anchor-Free Localization) where nodes start from a random initial coordinate assignment and converge to a consistent solution using only local node interactions. The key idea in AFL is fold-freedom, where nodes first configure into a topology that resembles a scaled and unfolded version of the true configuration, and then run a force-based relaxation procedure. We show using extensive simulations under a variety of network sizes, node densities, and distance estimation errors that our algorithm is superior to previously proposed methods that incrementally compute the coordinate of nodes in the network, in terms of its ability to computer correct coordinates under a wider variety of conditions and its robuestness to measurement errors.en_US
dc.titleAnchor-free Distributed Localization in Sensor Networksen_US

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