Now showing items 10-12 of 666

    • Incremental Multiset Hash Functions and their Application to Memory Integrity Checking 

      Clarke, Dwaine; Devadas, Srinivas; van Dijk, Marten; Gassend, Blaise; Suh, G. Edward (2003-05)
      We introduce a new cryptographic tool: multiset hash functions. Unlike standard hash functions which take strings as input, multiset hash functions operate on multisets (or sets). They map multisets of arbitrary finite ...
    • Improving Application-level Network Services with Regions 

      Li, Ji (2003-05)
      The underlying premise of the Region Project is that the concept of a region should be a new architecture capability in networking. A region is an entity that encapsulates and implements scoping, grouping, subdividing, and ...
    • Sift: A MAC Protocol for Event-Driven Wireless Sensor Networks 

      Jamieson, Kyle; Balakrishnan, Hari; Tay, Y.C. (2003-05)
      Nodes in sensor networks often encounter spatially-correlated contention, where multiple nodes in the same neighborhood all sense an event they need to transmit information about. Furthermore, in many sensor network ...