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dc.contributor.authorVigeant-Langlois, Laurence
dc.contributor.authorHansman, R. John
dc.description.abstractA human-centered systems analysis was applied to the adverse aircraft weather encounter problem in order to identify desirable functions of weather and icing information. The importance of contingency planning was identified as emerging from a system safety design methodology as well as from results of other aviation decision-making studies. The relationship between contingency planning support and information on regions clear of adverse weather was investigated in a scenariobased analysis. A rapid prototype example of the key elements in the depiction of icing conditions was developed in a case study, and the implications for the components of the icing information system were articulated.en
dc.description.sponsorshipNational Aeronautics and Space Administration Glenn Research Center under grant NAG3-2178en
dc.subjectsystems analysisen
dc.subjectair transportationen
dc.titleImplications of Contingency Planning Support for Weather and Icingen
dc.typeTechnical Reporten
dc.identifier.citationInformation FAA In-flight Icing/Ground De-icing International Conference & Exhibition, Palmer House Hilton, Chicago, IL, June 16-20, 2003en

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