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dc.contributor.authorArkilic, Errol B.
dc.description.abstractAn analytic and experimental investigation into gaseous flow with slight rarefaction through long microchannels is undertaken in an attempt to obtain values of the Tangential Momentum Accommodation Coefficient (TMAC) for a common MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS) surface. A set of analytic expressions is developed from the slip- flow solutions of the Navier Stokes equations which can be used to interpret the results of flow in micromachined channels and to extract TMAC values from these results. In addition to the theoretical framework, a robust microchannel fabrication procedure and a dedicated high-resolution mass flow measurement technique is developed. These are used in conjunction to obtain TMAC values for single-crystal silicon upon which a native oxide resides for gas flows of argon, nitrogen and carbon dioxide. It is shown that the TMAC for this common MEMS surface can possess a value less than unity (0.75-0.85) for the conditions which are expected to be encountered with state-of-the-art MEMS.en
dc.description.sponsorshipFinancial support for this work was provided under DARPA contract #J-FB1-92-196 and Marty Schmidt's NSF Presidential Young Investigators award. Additional support for various hardware was provided for by AFOSR under contract #F49620-93-1-0194, monitored by James McMichael. Also, during the writing of this thesis I was supported by Physical Science Incorporated.en
dc.publisherAerospace Computational Design Laboratory, Dept. of Aeronautics & Astronautics, Massachusetts Institute of Technologyen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesACDL Technical Reports;FDRL TR-97-1
dc.titleMeasurement of the Mass Flow and Tangential Momentum Accommodation Coefficient in Silicon Micromachined Channelsen
dc.typeTechnical Reporten

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