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dc.contributor.authorChowdhary, Girish
dc.contributor.authorKingravi, Hassan A.
dc.contributor.authorHow, Jonathan P.
dc.contributor.authorVela, Patricio A.
dc.descriptionThis technical report is a preprint of an article submitted to a journal.en_US
dc.description.abstractMost current Model Reference Adaptive Control (MRAC) methods rely on parametric adaptive elements, in which the number of parameters of the adaptive element are fixed a priori, often through expert judgment. An example of such an adaptive element are Radial Basis Function Networks (RBFNs), with RBF centers pre-allocated based on the expected operating domain. If the system operates outside of the expected operating domain, this adaptive element can become non-effective in capturing and canceling the uncertainty, thus rendering the adaptive controller only semi-global in nature. This paper investigates a Gaussian Process (GP) based Bayesian MRAC architecture (GP-MRAC), which leverages the power and flexibility of GP Bayesian nonparametric models of uncertainty. GP-MRAC does not require the centers to be preallocated, can inherently handle measurement noise, and enables MRAC to handle a broader set of uncertainties, including those that are defined as distributions over functions. We use stochastic stability arguments to show that GP-MRAC guarantees good closed loop performance with no prior domain knowledge of the uncertainty. Online implementable GP inference methods are compared in numerical simulations against RBFN-MRAC with preallocated centers and are shown to provide better tracking and improved long-term learning.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipThis research was supported in part by ONR MURI Grant N000141110688 and NSF grant ECS #0846750.en_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United Statesen
dc.subjectkernel machinesen_US
dc.subjectadaptive controlen_US
dc.subjectgaussian processesen_US
dc.subjectBayesian Nonparametric Modelsen_US
dc.titleBayesian Nonparametric Adaptive Control using Gaussian Processesen_US

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