Now showing items 16-18 of 666

    • Inference of Generic Types in Java 

      Donovan, Alan; Ernst, Michael D. (2003-03)
      Future versions of Java will include support for parametric polymorphism, or generic classes. This will bring many benefits to Java programmers, not least because current Java practise makes heavy use of pseudo-generic ...
    • Building Data Structures on Untrusted Peer-to-Peer Storage with Per-participant Logs 

      Chen, Benjie; Gil, Thomer M.; Muthitacharoen, Athicha; Morris, Robert T. (2003-03)
      L* is a technique for building multi-user distributed data structures out of untrusted peer-to-peer distributed hash tables (DHTs). L* uses multiple logs, one log per participant, to store changes to the data structure. ...
    • Efficient Consistency Proofs on a Committed Database 

      Ostrovsky, Rafail; Rackoff, Charles; Smith, Adam (2003-02)
      A consistent query protocol allows a database owner to publish a very short string c which commits her to a particular database D with special consistency property (i.e., given c, every allowable query has unique and ...