Now showing items 19-21 of 666

    • REX: Secure, modular remote execution through file descriptor passing 

      Kaminsky, Michael; Peterson, Eric; Fu, Kevin; Mazières, David; Kaashoek, M. Frans (2003-01)
      The ubiquitous SSH package has demonstrated the importance of secure remote login and execution. This paper presents a new system, REX, designed to provide remote login and execution in the context of the SFS secure ...
    • Efficient Web Browsing for Mobile Clients using HTTP Compression 

      Krashinsky, Ronny (2003-01)
      Efficient web browsing on mobile computers presents a unique challenge. These machines are different from other classes of client computers since they have relatively low-bandwidth connections and they are battery-powered ...
    • Physical Random Functions 

      Gassend, Blaise (2003-02)
      In general, secure protocols assume that participants are able to maintain secret key information. In practice, this assumption is often incorrect as an increasing number of devices are vulnerable to physical attacks. ...